Fund Transfers occur when all or part of a payment needs to be applied to a different record than the one it had been previously recorded to. For example, a contractor pulls one permit for two service...
First, run the Unapplied Transactions Report in Financial Reports v3 in the Reports Page. This will allow you to view permits that have unapplied fees. If they are unapplied due to an error, they can ...
The steps for dealing with CET fees upon square footage change when the fees have already been invoiced/paid are as follows: * Change the square footage in the Valuation Calculator in the Navigatio...
Please see attachments for sample reports with information on how to run them, as well as what they include. ...
If your agency uses Converge: Run the Credit Card Detail report from Financial Reports v3. Check this report against the Converge daily batch to ensure that no payments were processed twice or that a...
Please see the attached document for a description and explanation of how to process special exceptional payment types in Accela. These are ways to use the existing payment functionality in Accela to ...
The first few steps in creating a fee estimate are the same as if you were creating a new permit record. Begin by clicking the ‘New’ button in the Launchpad or Record page. Select the record type you ...
There are times when you will need to add a new fee item to a record that has already been paid. For example, a contractor is doing a remodel and forgot to add a garbage disposal to the permit. To add...
If a permit has been created and you need to add a new permit item, use the process for adding fees. If, however, a customer is adjusting the items on their permit, such as when there are two dishwash...