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  • Permit Fee Retention for Work Completed

    A Permit Fee Retention can be charged by an agency as a way to recoup the cost of work already completed on a permit (i.e. inspections) that ends up being withdrawn by the applicant. The Oregon Standa...

  • Nightly Cash Balancing

    Please see attachment with directions on the Accela Nightly Cash Balancing process as trained on the 2019-20 Regional Training....

  • How to make Payments using SETS

    Please see the attached document for steps to make Payments using SETS. ...

  • How to Process Payments in Accela

    See the attached document for step-by-step directions to process a payment in Accela. ...

  • Point of Sale Credit Card Payments

    There is a known issue where the system REQUIRES you to fill in all fields that are required PRIOR to selecting the payment method or the Credit Card Form will not load correctly....

  • Sample Reports Notes - Financial

    Attached you will find notes for several Financial Reports to use as a guide while using the reports....

  • Agency Fee Report

    To pull a report of current fee schedules: In the Launchpad, select Building Reports Select Special Use Reports Open the Active Agency Fees report Select Open The report will export to an Excel spread...

  • Valuation and Fee Requirements by Work/Record Type

    Please see the attached document for OARs regarding the use of valuation and/or fees on various work/record types....

  • Nightly Cash Balancing

    Please see the attached document for instructions on nightly cash balancing in Accela....

  • Payment Processing Cases and Types

    Please see the attached document for a description and explanation of how to process special exceptional payment types in Accela. These are ways to use the existing payment functionality in Accela to ...