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9.1.3 Creating Accounts - Commuication Manager Requirements

There are a couple of changes when creating new users in 9.1.3 that ePermitting will need to complete prior to using the new profile:

  • New users for the back office will always be prompted to change their password regardless of the user profile setting called, "User must change Password at next Logon." Accela Engineering says this is by design because of SHA-2, the new higher password security protocol, put in place in 9.0.
  • There is a new required field called, "Default Module" that will need to be completed for each user.

See the attachment titled 9.1.3 New User for a screenshot of the module selection.

As a result of the Communication Manager implementation in the new UI, critical new requirements have been outlined when creating new users.

The Staff Details document includes the new information needed whenever creating new users or editing existing users. See the attachment titled Adding a User Account to Communication Manager for step-by-step directions to do so.

Additionally, we should not be adding the apostrophe in a user’s name when creating their user. For example, use ODONNEL instead of O’Donnell when creating someone with that last name.


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  1. Krista Allman

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
