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Adding Documents to a Parcel

  1. From the launch pad, select ‘Parcels’ from the reference list. 
  2. On the search screen, search for the parcel that will have documents added. 
  3. Select the parcel from the list of parcels resulting from the search. 
  4. From the parcel Detail, select ‘Document’. If the parcel has attached documents, the count of attached documents will appear in parenthesis after the word ‘Document’. 

From the ‘Document’ screen, documents can be 

  • Added (‘New’) 
  • Downloaded 
  • Deleted 
  • Copied 
  • Moved 
  • Printed
  • Existing attached documents will be listed.

To add a document, select a Document Group and Category from dropdown lists, describe the Document in the Document Description. 

Please see attachment for screen shots with directions.


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  1. Krista Allman

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