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  • Tips and Tricks

    Please see the attached documents for some tips and tricks that are based on common Helpdesk calls and tickets. ...

  • Find Expiration Date History in Record Details Log

    The Expiration Date value is updated throughout the life cycle of a permit. You can easily find the history of the Expiration Date by using the Record Details log. ...

  • How to Generate a Deep Link

    Please see the attached document for steps to generate a deep link for an email.  ...

  • Creating Custom Stamps for Adobe Acrobat Pro

    Please see the attached document on creating custom stamps for Adobe Acrobat Pro. ...

  • Searching for Records - Accela New UI

    The attached document provides step-by-step directions to perform the following functions in the New UI: * Search for records * Perform a Global Search * Use Filters * Use the Launchpad Recen...

  • Kayako SMTP Server Info

    If a Kayako user is not getting emails from Kayako, their IT staff can add the following IP address to their email server to resolve the issue: ...

  • Adding Documents to a Parcel

    * From the launch pad, select ‘Parcels’ from the reference list.  * On the search screen, search for the parcel that will have documents added.  * Select the parcel from the list of parcels resu...

  • How to Set .adoc Files to Open in Accela Document Reviewer

    Please see the attached document for instructions to open .adoc files in the Accela document reviewer. ...

  • Sets

    Records can be grouped into sets. Sets of records can be helpful when you want to take the same action with multiple records, such as applying a single payment to three different permits that an elect...

  • High Number of Results Returned for Owners on Manufactured Dwelling Site

    Manufactured Home parks often have a high number of Owners and Site Numbers associated to an address/parcel. This can yield a high number of results when you Search for the address on the SPEAR form (...