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Adding / Removing User Accounts

As we continue efforts to maintain accurate user profiles for all jurisdictions, ePermitting has developed a step-by-step worksheet to make the process of adding and removing users more consistent and efficient for everyone.

Helpful tips for completing the Add/Remove User Worksheet:

Adding and removing general users

  • Adding users - Fill out all of the user information as indicated; ePermitting uses this information in various reports, throughout workflow, email ‘signatures’, inspection/task resulting, etc.
  • Removing users - Please follow the specific instructions on the worksheet so the helpdesk is aware whose account needs to be removed and other related changes.
  • Department - Select only one department, this is the workgroup the user belongs to (not the same as Module). This sets the dropdown the user appears in when assigning work like tasks and inspections.
  • Module - Any user can have access to multiple modules based on the type of work they do and the modules your jurisdiction has available.
  • User Group - Each module has user groups that grant permissions to different functionality within Accela. Please be sure to add the User Group(s) the user needs for each module so they can complete the tasks needed to do their job. To see the permissions indicated for each user group for Building, Planning, Public Works and Onsite modules, please open the attached User Permissions documents.
    • Default Module - This sets the user to automatically access a specific module upon sign in. If the user goes to Preference Management and changes their module after logging in, the preferred module that they were working in will become the default module until changed.
    • Email Notifications - This section allows you to indicate if the new user would like to receive emails from ePermittng on topics such as upgrades, enhancements, outages, changes, etc. Indicate what type of emails the user would like to receive by checking the box(es) next to the type.

Adding and removing inspectors

  • Inspector status - Any user that needs to be scheduled to perform inspections in the field will need to be assigned the Inspector status. Note: users do NOT need to be set up as an inspector to schedule or result inspections on records.
  • Auto-Assign - Some jurisdictions use auto-assign functionality to have the system automatically assign their daily inspections. Designated inspector users are set up with specific disciplines, or districts, to let Accela know what inspector to assign to each scheduled inspection. Auto-Assign is optional.
    • If you are removing an inspector user indicated with disciplines or districts, and the jurisdiction is set up to use Auto-Assign, you will need to designate replacement inspector user(s) to assume the discipline(s) or district(s) so that scheduled inspections continue to be assigned as desired.
      • Disciplines - A discipline is assigned to each inspection type. These disciplines can then be assigned to inspector users who are able to perform these inspections based on certification. Some users can perform inspections across multiple disciplines (multi-certified), while others are more limited in terms of what type of inspections they are able to perform. Accela will only schedule the inspector user for inspections of the discipline(s) they are configured for in their user account. Disciplines are optional.
      • Districts - Some jurisdictions have designated areas where they wish to only provide certain inspections on specific days of the week or are a larger jurisdiction overall, so they opt to divide their jurisdiction into inspection districts. Districts can then be used in such a way to balance inspection workload. If districts are configured for an inspector user, Accela will assign scheduled inspections based on their designated district. District data must be provided with the Jurisdiction’s APO, specifically associated to address data, in order for it to be available for scheduling purposes. Districts are optional.


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  1. Krista Allman

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