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Document Conversion File Specs

Below are the specs for the Document Conversion mapping file. This applies to both permit and parcel document conversions. A sample file is also attached to this document.

Seq - a unique number, use what is provided in the spreadsheet for a counter

IsUploaded - needs to be ‘0’ before documents are uploaded, use what is provided in the spreadsheet, ‘0’ throughout

Entity_Type - CAP or PARCEL – Must enter the appropriate item below depending on which is entered here

B1_per_id1 - leave blank

B1_per_id2 - leave blank

B1_per_id3 - leave blank

B1_ALT_ID – This is the permit number, only enter for Entity type = CAP

Entity_ID - This is the parcel number, only enter for Entity type = PARCEL

Doc_Group – Valid doc group such as ‘PARCEL IMAGES’ or 'BUILDING DOCUMENTS' or 'PLANNING DOCUMENTS'.

Doc_Type – Valid doc type such as- 'Building Permit', 'Plans - Structural', 'Septic Review' or use 'Other' throughout

FilePath – use the actual filename

Description – Can be any term pertaining to the document. For example, use ‘Building Document’ or ‘Planning Document’ if there is no good description


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  1. Jeff Vrontakis

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