There is a minor change that you will notice starting on Mon, June 28 in DEQ_COOS, DEQ_MEDFORD, CURRY_CO, and JOSEPHINE_CO. When you create a new record, the record type selection screen will look a little different. Please see attached a document with screenshots to show you the changes.
The reason you are part of just a few select agencies who will see this difference is because there is configuration that was done for the user experience on Citizen Access so that Curry and Josephine Counties could accept Authorizations, Permits, and Site Evals online. And DEQ_COOS and DEQ_MEDFORD could accept Annual Inspection Reports for Onsite Renewals on behalf of the two counties. And now this configuration will display in the back office when the software is upgraded to v. 20.2.4 on Monday. But good news, these changes will be temporary and be returned to normal once Onsite Renewals are switched over to Curry and Josephine in the coming months.
You can log into our Config environment to see and get used to these changes before Monday. Please reach out if you have any questions and please forward this message onto anyone else in your agency that creates new records.
Stacey Thias