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Reference Data: APO/Contractors

  • Temporary Parcels

    In the Accela system temporary parcels can be created by ePermitting staff or by the Agency directly, and can then be used for work being done where a permanent or numbered parcel is not applicable. S...

  • People Reference

    Please see the attached document for information on People Reference....

  • APO Service Locks

    Please see the attached document for details on Service Locks on Addresses....

  • Adding an Address

    To add an address, first go to the Launchpad in the Spaces Menu. In the Parcels page, search for the parcel. If the parcel does not exist in the system, click on ‘New’ to create a new one. You will no...

  • Using a Temporary Address in APO

    A temporary address is specifically used as a placeholder for the Address requirement at intake in Accela when a permanent address is not assigned/available. Best practice is that ONE temporary addres...

  • Addresses

    Each agency maintains the addresses in their jurisdiction. Initially, addresses are loaded into the system based on data received from the County Assessor’s office (this is referred to as an APO load;...

  • Adding and Maintaining APO (Address, Parcel, Owner) Records in Property Reference Data

    Reference data is separate from transactional data in that it has to only be input or loaded once and then used or referenced when creating new records, over and over again (such as Property APO, Peop...