Because a converted record was not created in Accela, certain key data elements may be missing, yet certain reports are looking for this Accela-specific data. As a result, there are some additional steps you need to take on converted records to successfully generate certain reports, particularly the Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Satisfactory Completion, and the Permit.
Note: These same steps apply to prepare any record to generate most reports including the Certificate of Occupancy and the Permit.
Additional steps to take on converted records are as follows, through the Navigation Pane:
App Info (ASI) – complete ASI, particularly Category of Construction and Type of Work.
Description of Work – review the Description of Work to confirm that this is the statement of work that you want to appear on the printed permit and certificate as your legal documents. Remove any extraneous comments or information as appropriate.
Inspections – assure that a "final inspection" is indicated and positively resulted, and that any other outstanding pending, scheduled, or incomplete inspections have been deleted or resulted as appropriate.
Invoice Fees – resolve any unpaid invoiced fees, and confirm that any new fees are invoiced and paid or deleted as appropriate. Exceptional payment types such as Credit Memo, Fee Waiver, and Write Off may be appropriate for resolving any outstanding unpaid balance(s).
Payment –confirm that there are no unapplied payment(s) indicated.
Property Owner – assure that a property owner is associated to the record.
Valuation Calculator – for Certificates, even if you are not using the Valuation Calculator to assess fees, you must add a row(s) and input the Occupancy Group and Construction Type.
Workflow –
For the Permit: assure that the Permit Issuance task shows a status of "issued"
For the Certificates: additionally ensure that the Inspection Process task shows as "inspection process complete," and that the Close Out task shows as "finaled." The workflow status and the record status should both show as "finaled."
Jennifer Ross