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License Lookups

Here are the websites to make ‘favorites’ in your web browser to do license lookups for most of the applicable license types:

Construction Contractors Board (CCB): http://search.ccb.state.or.us/search/

Board of Examiners for Engineering: http://www.oregon.gov/Osbeels/Pages/Search_License.aspx

Oregon Board of Architect Examiners: http://orbae.com/search-licensees/

Landscapers Contractors Board (LCB): http://www.oregonlcb.com/contractorsearch.aspx

Building Codes Licensing (BCD) – professional licensing, Plumbing and Electrical (also includes MDI licensing – for reference only, not included in Professionals batch load at this time):

DEQ Onsite System Installer: http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/onsite/sdssearch.asp

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